Berrico’s coconut and tropical fruits partner: Sanmik Foods

All of Berrico’s coconut products and part of our tropical fruit range are supplied by our trusted partner Sanmik Foods. With over 14 years of experience, Sanmik Foods is one of the largest organic coconut exporters in the world. The company’s headquarter is based in Australia, while their main coconut production is based in Sri Lanka with additional factories in the Philippines and Myanmar.

Besides coconut, Sanmik also supplies part of Berrico’s dried tropical fruit selection that includes dried banana, pineapple and watermelon. Renowned for their unique flavours, these fruits are available in a variety of sizes. All products are available organic and most also with a fairtrade option, while conventional products are on request. The company works with contracted coconut farmers as well as owning and operating its own organic certified, GMO-free farms. All the coconut plantations adhere to stringent agricultural standards to ensure that all produce is of the highest possible standards that are in accordance with global and local certifications. The company possesses the following certifications: Organic, Fair Trade, HACCP, ISO22000-2005, BRC, LK BIO-605 Organic, and Kosher.

At Berrico we are not a team because we work together. We are a team because we respect, trust and care for each other.


Sanmik Food supports the principles of UN Sustainable Development Goals [link:], which provide an essential inspiration for their sustainability agenda. The shared challenges and opportunities that the world faces require collective action and Sanmik is committed to being part of this process. Sanmik provides sustainable ecological farming to prevent deforestation and no application of pesticides or fertilization is used in the process.

The company also has strong ethical, cultural and environmental principles and is committed to uplifting the well-being of the communities through education and social empowerment. Sanmik supports smallholder farmers, offers training programmes for employees, and provides scholarships to students. Throughout the years, various initiatives were undertaken by Sanmik to improve local communities. These include upliftment of sanitary facilities, provision of clean water and infrastructure development.

Did you know that at Sanmik Foods?

  • 1500 MT coconut shells are re-used per year
  • 100% of raw materials are sustainably sourced
  • 10200 HA of cultivated lands have been converted into organic

Berrico actively contributes to a hearty lifestyle and a better future through pure and natural ingredients